Uncategorized 15 Reasons to Own a Home
Uncategorized 15 Reasons Why You Should Own A Home
Uncategorized FOR BUYERS: ASK THE RIGHT PEOPLE THE RIGHT QUESTIONS FOR BUYERS: ASK THE RIGHT PEOPLE THE RIGHT QUESTIONS When you find the exact home you’ve been looking for, take the opportunity to talk to the neighbors. Your potential neighbors may be able to give insight into neighborhood and house, before deciding to buy. I came across a few ideas that can help jump start […]
Uncategorized FOR BUYERS: FINAL WALK THROUGH LIST FOR BUYERS: FINAL WALKTHROUGH CHECKLIST Perhaps the most important moments for you as a buyer are during the final walkthrough. The walkthrough will give you an opportunity to check out all the little and big things you might have missed while getting caught up in the excitement of homeownership. I came across this checklist that you […]
Uncategorized FOR BUYERS: WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW BEFORE YOU BUY. FOR BUYERS: WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW BEFORE YOU BUY Don’t let the excitement of the home buying process deter you from sticking to your plan. The most important approach a buyer can take is creating a plan and sticking to it no matter what distractions or issues arise during the process. Take a look at […]
Uncategorized FOR BUYERS: 5 STEPS TO SUSTAINABLE HOME OWNERSHIP FOR BUYERS: 5 STEPS TO SUSTAINABLE HOME OWNERSHIP Knowing what steps to take to ensure that your home purchase is financially sustainable takes some figuring out.  Check out this article that goes through 5 steps that can assist you in figuring out how you can make your purchase one that isn’t a burden on your budget. […]
Uncategorized FOR BUYERS: MAKING A PLAN AND STICKING TO IT. FOR BUYERS: MAKE A BUYING PLAN AND STICK TO IT Preparing to buy a home takes a very well-thought out plan and strategy. I found a very informative guide that can help you plan to purchase a home. As an Accredited Buyer’s Representative (ABR®), I like helping my buyers prepare because it makes the buying process […]
Uncategorized FOR BUYERS: 4 Guidelines for HOMEBUYERS FOR BUYERS: 4 GUIDELINES FOR HOMEBUYERS As an Accredited Buyer’s Representative (ABR®), I’ve noticed that an informed buyer is a happy buyer. So, I found some information that I wanted to share with you on becoming a prepared buyer. Take a quick look and let me know if you have any questions. I look forward […]
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